Browse our inventory: Locate the products you are interested in ordering by going to our Shop page.
Add to Cart: Click on your desired product and choose the amount you would like.
Checkout: When you have all your products in your shopping cart, and are ready to Checkout, click on the shopping cart icon (top-right of your screen) and you will be redirected to the View Cart page. Here you can review your order total. Remember all orders over $200 are eligible for Free Shipping. Be sure to fill out your information carefully.
Accept Terms & Conditions: Once you’ve filled in all the required fields, you’ll need to accept the Terms and Conditions (located on the bottom of the page) then click “Place Order” You will see a symbol for Interact E-Transfer and the next screen will provide you with detailed instructions on how to send your Interac E-Transfer.
Payment Instructions: Just a few more steps to complete your order:
1. | Following the instructions on your invoice, send an Interac E-transfer totalling your order amount. |
2. | If your bank requires you to have a secret question and answer please follow these steps. Write your Secret Question as: country |
3. | Choose your Secret Answer to be: canada |
Canada Post Shipping Tracking: Once we receive your E-Transfer, your order will be processed and shipped within 1 to 2 business days via Canada Post Shipping. We will email your Canada Post tracking number as soon as it is available.